Italy | Give your Italian holiday the perfect touch in a holiday home with its own pool: Splash about with the whole family in the water or let yourself completely relax.
Italian Adriatic | A vacation in a holiday park is particularly ideal
for families. As parents you can lean back and relax whilst your kids
are taken care of your hands and are fully entertained.
Italy | With these holiday houses it is explicitely allowed to bring pets so
that your faithful four legged friend can also enjoy a relaxing and
eventful holiday.
This is what holiday rental customers wrote about Chianciano Terme
4.0 out of 5
An atraveo-customer wrote on 09/05/2018 in German
“Einkaufsmoeglichkeiten - in der Stadt (ca 3km), ein grosser Superstore ca 7km in Richtung Stadt Chiusi.
Interessante alte Staedte, shoene Landschaft besonders in dem beiliegendem Tal Val d' Orcia
Eigene Erfahrung: Fahrradausfluege sehr empfehlenswert, aber ein bischen anspruchsvoll (huegelige Landschaft)
Leider haben wir schlechtes regnerisch Wetter gehabt, um die Umgebung besser kennenlernen...”
This review has been given for property no. 1368057
An atraveo-customer wrote on 11/09/2014, travel period: July 2012
“La villa est au coeur de la Toscane, proche des extraordinaires villages à visiter. Il est TRES AGREABLE de gouter à la célébre Dolce Vita et de revenir le soir se détendre dans la superbe piscine.
La ville de Chianciano Terme permet de faire toutes les courses nécessaires à la vie de tous les jours, puis le soir de prendre une glace au centre ville.”
This review has been given for property no. 654978
An atraveo-customer wrote on 05/06/2007 in German, travel period: May 2007
“kleine, verwinkelte Altstadt - eigentlich nicht häßlich aber extrem überschaubar, außer Cafebars keine Restaurants, drumherhum viele Hotels mitt dem ganz eigenen Charme von Bettenburgen, landschaftlich weit weniger reizvoll als die 30 km entfernte Landschaft um Pienza”